اضغط هنا لتهيئة المتصفح للبث المباشر.
الأحد، 8 فبراير 2009
استعد للمحاضرة و قم بتهيئة المتصفح الان
غدا الاثنين (9 - 2 - 2009 ) ان شاء الله سيبدأ البث المباشر لجميع محاضرات سيسكو اكسبو السعودية 2009. فضلا قم بتهيئة المتصفح قبل الدخول الى المحاضرة لتوفير الوقت.
الجمعة، 6 فبراير 2009
الخميس، 5 فبراير 2009
الأربعاء، 4 فبراير 2009
Not interested to in tracking technology events? Think again
Some of us think its a waste of time tracking technology. But these days change is continuous and shift is exponential. Its a race, see why you would not want to be left out.
shift technology globalization
الثلاثاء، 3 فبراير 2009
Redefine Real Estate Property Value: Purpose, Productivity, Profits
How can real estate ventures meet today’s needs and laya foundation for tomorrow, while maintaining and growing profitability?
Connected Real Estate. The intelligent approach.
Start with an intelligent infrastructure. Begin by integrating building infrastructures with next-generation technologies over a converged, connected platform. Create an intelligent environment that will provide the foundation for streamlined operations, increased revenues, and enhanced services to move today’s properties into the future.
Cisco Connected Real Estate converges key functions onto an IP network that becomes the fabric of every building— supporting all real estate requirements. It is the “information utility”, as fundamental as gas, electricity, and water, that provides a foundation for workforce effectiveness, building performance, and physical security. With Connected Real Estate, you can reduce costs and complexity by replacing disparate communications, security, and building systems with one simplified, flexible, and scalable IP network.
Maximize revenue per square foot by adding new revenue generating services, such as wired and wireless highspeed access or any number of next-generation voice,video, and data communications services. Enhance productivity by providing access to unified communications capabilities and mobile solutions that give all stakeholders “right time, right place” services.
Improve building performance by centralizing the operation of lights; heating, ventilation,
air conditioning (HVAC); and elevators to cut costs and save energy. Provide a safe, flexible, customized workplace that promotes space efficiency, integrated security, and property
management solutions. Differentiate your building by tapping into new environmental capabilities, such as solar power and energy management to help manage costs and preserve natural resources.
It is the intelligent approach to real estate that will improve the value of every property, and will equip your building for the future. With Connected Real Estate, the transformation starts today.
Offer a productive, comfortable, and safe experience.
With Connected Real Estate, your property will attract and retain tenants, guests, and a highly capable workforce by offering services that support an efficient and personalized experience.
Improve Workforce and Workplace Effectiveness
Facilitate enhanced communications and collaboration with solutions that integrate voice, video, and data services over a converged IP network. Providing access to high-speed Internet, IP telephony, and advanced audio and video conferencing from work places, common areas, or living spaces will lead to a more productive and efficient workforce.
Enhance the User Experience
Give employees and occupants access to mobility solutions, including Wi-Fi, integrated paging, and Bluetooth, to ensure access to time-critical communications at any time, and anywhere, whether on or off the property. Offer interactive stations with digital signage, rich media communications, and visitor management that keep guests and occupants informed and entertained. Create a building environment that is distinctive, productive, and intelligent, to add value to the user experience.
Boost Security and Safety
Deliver optimal safety and peace of mind to guests, occupants, and owners with integrated security, video surveillance, and fire control over the intelligent information network foundation. Track visitors, access violations, and unauthorized building use with integrated tools that help ensure your buildings and physical assets are safe.
Add value and improve property performance.
Today’s property values are based on more than location and square footage. The new standard is to create a building that performs—and that exceeds all stakeholder expectations. For owners and operators, that means cutting costs and increasing revenues. Whether it’s an employee or a visitor, an occupant or an operator, real estate stakeholders need a building environment that is flexible, productive, and tailored for their needs.
Optimize Asset Utilization
Deploy all physical assets over a network that delivers optimal performance per square foot. Build collaborative workspaces that support more people in less square footage, replacing individual offices that are often underutilized. Add connectivity and communications capabilities in all areas of a building, improving productivity for guests, tenants, and employees. The information utility delivers enhanced services to every area of a building, converting “dead space” into efficient, usable areas that offer revenue opportunities.
Improve Building Performance and Resource Management
Support an integrated building solution that offers energy management, conservation, and long-term environmental sustainability. Control costs through lighting automation solutions that are delivered over the converged IP network. Centralize monitoring and controls of elevators, HVAC, and facilities to ensure that building performance meets your standards. By integrating and centralizing these critical resources, owners and operators can manage costs and control building operating expenses.
Give your property a purpose that pays off.
Tap into the ultimate value of your property by adding new services that differentiate your building and generate new revenues. The Connected Real Estate solution is a strategic, core utility that will impact all aspects of your property— from operations to occupancy.
Generate New Revenue
Generate new revenue opportunities with fee-based or complimentary services to attract and retain tenants and differentiate your property from the competition. With Connected Real Estate, you can compete on a new level with a business model that allows you to grow your market opportunity. For example, you can deliver advanced services such as Cisco TelePresence, digital signage, or Wi-Fi on a fee-based model. Additional revenue-generating services can be added as tenant and user needs evolve.
Create a Differentiated Property
Make your building stand out with advanced services that transform C-locations into A-locations. By investing in a Cisco intelligent building network, you can make technology a strategic asset that will enhance and future-proof allaspects of your property.
Connected Real Estate. The intelligent approach.
Start with an intelligent infrastructure. Begin by integrating building infrastructures with next-generation technologies over a converged, connected platform. Create an intelligent environment that will provide the foundation for streamlined operations, increased revenues, and enhanced services to move today’s properties into the future.
Cisco Connected Real Estate converges key functions onto an IP network that becomes the fabric of every building— supporting all real estate requirements. It is the “information utility”, as fundamental as gas, electricity, and water, that provides a foundation for workforce effectiveness, building performance, and physical security. With Connected Real Estate, you can reduce costs and complexity by replacing disparate communications, security, and building systems with one simplified, flexible, and scalable IP network.
Maximize revenue per square foot by adding new revenue generating services, such as wired and wireless highspeed access or any number of next-generation voice,video, and data communications services. Enhance productivity by providing access to unified communications capabilities and mobile solutions that give all stakeholders “right time, right place” services.
Improve building performance by centralizing the operation of lights; heating, ventilation,
air conditioning (HVAC); and elevators to cut costs and save energy. Provide a safe, flexible, customized workplace that promotes space efficiency, integrated security, and property
management solutions. Differentiate your building by tapping into new environmental capabilities, such as solar power and energy management to help manage costs and preserve natural resources.
It is the intelligent approach to real estate that will improve the value of every property, and will equip your building for the future. With Connected Real Estate, the transformation starts today.
Offer a productive, comfortable, and safe experience.
With Connected Real Estate, your property will attract and retain tenants, guests, and a highly capable workforce by offering services that support an efficient and personalized experience.
Improve Workforce and Workplace Effectiveness
Facilitate enhanced communications and collaboration with solutions that integrate voice, video, and data services over a converged IP network. Providing access to high-speed Internet, IP telephony, and advanced audio and video conferencing from work places, common areas, or living spaces will lead to a more productive and efficient workforce.
Enhance the User Experience
Give employees and occupants access to mobility solutions, including Wi-Fi, integrated paging, and Bluetooth, to ensure access to time-critical communications at any time, and anywhere, whether on or off the property. Offer interactive stations with digital signage, rich media communications, and visitor management that keep guests and occupants informed and entertained. Create a building environment that is distinctive, productive, and intelligent, to add value to the user experience.
Boost Security and Safety
Deliver optimal safety and peace of mind to guests, occupants, and owners with integrated security, video surveillance, and fire control over the intelligent information network foundation. Track visitors, access violations, and unauthorized building use with integrated tools that help ensure your buildings and physical assets are safe.
Add value and improve property performance.
Today’s property values are based on more than location and square footage. The new standard is to create a building that performs—and that exceeds all stakeholder expectations. For owners and operators, that means cutting costs and increasing revenues. Whether it’s an employee or a visitor, an occupant or an operator, real estate stakeholders need a building environment that is flexible, productive, and tailored for their needs.
Optimize Asset Utilization
Deploy all physical assets over a network that delivers optimal performance per square foot. Build collaborative workspaces that support more people in less square footage, replacing individual offices that are often underutilized. Add connectivity and communications capabilities in all areas of a building, improving productivity for guests, tenants, and employees. The information utility delivers enhanced services to every area of a building, converting “dead space” into efficient, usable areas that offer revenue opportunities.
Improve Building Performance and Resource Management
Support an integrated building solution that offers energy management, conservation, and long-term environmental sustainability. Control costs through lighting automation solutions that are delivered over the converged IP network. Centralize monitoring and controls of elevators, HVAC, and facilities to ensure that building performance meets your standards. By integrating and centralizing these critical resources, owners and operators can manage costs and control building operating expenses.
Give your property a purpose that pays off.
Tap into the ultimate value of your property by adding new services that differentiate your building and generate new revenues. The Connected Real Estate solution is a strategic, core utility that will impact all aspects of your property— from operations to occupancy.
Generate New Revenue
Generate new revenue opportunities with fee-based or complimentary services to attract and retain tenants and differentiate your property from the competition. With Connected Real Estate, you can compete on a new level with a business model that allows you to grow your market opportunity. For example, you can deliver advanced services such as Cisco TelePresence, digital signage, or Wi-Fi on a fee-based model. Additional revenue-generating services can be added as tenant and user needs evolve.
Create a Differentiated Property
Make your building stand out with advanced services that transform C-locations into A-locations. By investing in a Cisco intelligent building network, you can make technology a strategic asset that will enhance and future-proof allaspects of your property.
cisco realestate building
"سيسكو إكسبو السعودية 2009" يستعرض إمكانات الشبكة الذكية
أعلنت "سيسكو" أنها ستقيم ملتقى "سيسكو إكسبو السعودية 2009" يومي 9 و10 فبراير القادم في "مركز الملك فهد الثقافي" بالعاصمة الرياض. ومن المتوقع أن يشهد هذا الحدث السنوي الذي يقام هذا العام تحت شعار "اختبر اليوم، تقنية الغد" مشاركة أكثر من 2500 من أبرز صناع القرار في عالم الأعمال، لمناقشة التوجهات التقنية الرئيسية وتبادل الخبرات التي تسهم في نمو قطاع الأعمال في المملكة.
وسوف يسلط المعرض الضوء على الدور الهام الذي يمكن أن تلعبه تقنيات المعلومات والاتصالات في دعم وتطوير أعمال شركات ومؤسسات القطاعين العام والخاص وأسواق العقارات. وسيتضمن الحدث، والمبني على مفهوم "شبكة سيسكو الذكية للمعلومات "، سلسلة من جلسات النقاش حول مواضيع تشمل "نظم الاتصالات الموحدة"، و"المنصات التعاونية"، و"المنازل الرقمية"، و"نظم التعليم الذكية"، وأحدث حلول "الاجتماعات عن بعد".
ولأول مرة، سيستخدم الحدث عدداً من منصات الجيل الثاني من شبكة الإنترنت (ويب 2.0)، مثل "تويتر"(Twitter) و"فيس بوك"(Facebook) و المدونات الالكترونية لمتابعة تطورات و توثيق الحدث الذي سيتضمن 44 محاضرة ادارية و تقنية. وستبث فعاليات سيسكو أكسبو 2009 مباشرة على الشبكة عبر نظام "سيسكو ويب إكس" (Cisco WebEx™). وستتم أيضاً استضافة مقاطع فيديو من الحدث في موقع "يوتيوب" (YouTube). وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، ستتاح لزوار المعرض فرصة متابعة مجموعة من العروض التوضيحية التفاعلية عبر تقنيات الجيل التالي، مثل "التواجد عن بعد"
(Cisco TelePresence™)
وبهذه المناسبة، قال الدكتور بدر بن حمود البدر، مدير عام "سيسكو" في المملكة العربية السعودية: "تتطلع الشركات في ظل المناخ الاقتصادي الحالي، إلى حلول تقنية ذكية تعزز التعاون والتواصل، وترتقي بأداء وإنتاجية أعمالها. وعليه يتسم ملتقى ’سيسكو إكسبو السعودية‘ بأهمية كبيرة، حيث يتيح لنا فرصة جيدة للتواصل مع العملاء والشركاء، وتسليط الضوء على الدور الذي يمكن أن تلعبه حلول ’سيسكو‘ المبتكرة في مساعدة قطاع الأعمال على التصدي للتحديات الحقيقية التي قد يواجهها".
ويشارك في المعرض عدد من شركاء "سيسكو" الإستراتيجيين، من بينهم "الشركة السعودية للحاسبات الإلكترونية المحدودة (SBM) "، و"شركة المعمر لأنظمة المعلومات (MIS)" و"دايمنشن داتا" و "شركة أوجيه للأنظمة المحدودة" و"مؤسسة الجريسي لخدمات الكمبيوتر والاتصالات" و"شركة ابتكار للتقنية المحدودة" و "الفنار لتقنية المعلومات" و"الجماز للتوزيع" و"شركة نور للاتصالات (نور نت)" و "المؤسسة المتكاملة المطورة لأنظمة المعلومات (IDIS)" و"شركة الخليج للتدريب والتعليم (نيوهورايزون)" و "الشركة السعودية الاردنية الحديثة لبرامج الاتصالات (جلوب تيل)" و"مجموعة بي إم بي السعودية المحدودة" و "سينرجي للخدمات الاحترافية” و"شركة آر أند أم" و"داتا كونسلت" و"الشرق الاوسط للاتصالات (آي بي ماجيكس)" و"فلوك نتورك" و"أول نت" و"جيترونيكس" و "نتباك بون".
ويمكن حضور"ملتقى سيسكو إكسبو السعودية 2009" من خلال التسجيل، وذلك على الموقع الإلكتروني: http://www.cisco.com/web/ME/exposaudi2009 حيث توجد جميع الروابط الخاصة بمنصات الجيل الثاني المذكوره آنفًا.
حول شركة سيسكو
تعد "سيسكو"، المدرجة في بورصـة الأوراق المالية "ناسداك" تحت رمز (NASDAQ: CSCO)، إحدى الشركات العالمية الرائدة في قطاع حلول الشبكات والتي تعمل على تغيير مفهوم التواصل والاتصال والمشاركة بين الأفراد والمجتمعات. ويمكن الحصول على معلومات عن شركة "سيسكو" عبر الموقع الإلكتروني www.cisco.com. وللإطلاع على أحدث بيانات وأخبار الشركة، يمكن زيارة الموقع الإلكتروني http://newsroom.cisco.com .
تعتبر علامات "سيسكو" و"سيسكو سيستمز" وشعار "سيسكو سيستمز" علامات تجارية مسجلة لمصلحة شركة "سيسكو سيستمز" وفروعها في الولايات المتحدة وفي عدد من الدول الأخرى. وترجع ملكية العلامات التجارية الأخرى المذكورة إلى أصحابها الأصليين. يذكر أن استخدام كلمة "شريك" لا يُحتم وجود علاقة شراكة بين سيسكو وأي شركة أخرى. يعتبر هذا المستند أحد البيانات الإعلامية التي تصدرها "سيسكو".
Cisco Expo Saudi 2009 Gets Set to Showcase the Power of the Intelligent Network
Cisco announced that it will be hosting Cisco® Expo Saudi 2009 on Feb. 9 and 10 at King Fahad Cultural Center in Riyadh. With the theme “Experience Today the Network of Tomorrow,” this year’s event is expected to bring together more than 2,500 top business decision makers to discuss key technology trends and to share best practices that will transform businesses and increase business productivity in the kingdom.
Cisco Expo Saudi 2009 will also examine the critical role that information and communications technologies (ICTs) play in the development of innovative business solutions for the enterprise, public sector and real estate markets. Based on the concept of the network as the platform, the event will include a series of in-depth sessions covering unified communications, collaboration solutions, the Connected Home, “smart education” systems and the latest trends in Web meetings. For the first time, the event will use several Web 2.0 platforms such as Twitter and Facebook and will be streamed live online via Cisco WebEx™. Videos from the event will also be hosted on YouTube. Visitors will also experience interactive demonstrations on next-generation technologies like Cisco TelePresence™.
Dr. Badr Bin Hamoud Al Badr, managing director of Cisco Saudi Arabia, said: “In this current economic climate, companies are looking at smart technology solutions that can improve business productivity and enhance collaboration. Cisco Expo Saudi gives us an excellent opportunity to network with customers and partners to highlight how Cisco innovations can help enterprises address real-world business issues.”
Certified partners who will be present at Cisco Expo Saudi 2009 include SBM, Dimension Data, Al-Moammar Information Systems MIS, IDIS, Nour Net, Oger Systems, Al-Jammaz Distribution, Ebbtikar, , Jeraisy Communications Services, Al-Fanar, IP Magix, Data Consult Saudi, AwalNet, AlKhaleej Training & Education, Synergy Professional Services, BMB, R&M, Globitel, Fluke Networks, Getronics and NetBack Bone.
Cisco Expo Saudi 2009 is a registration-only event. Those interested in attending Cisco Expo Saudi can register online by visiting http://www.cisco.com/web/ME/exposaudi2009
About Cisco
Cisco, (NASDAQ: CSCO), is the worldwide leader in networking that transforms how people connect, communicate and collaborate. Information about Cisco can be found at http://www.cisco.com. For ongoing news, please go to http://newsroom.cisco.com. Cisco equipment in the Middle East is supplied by Cisco Systems International BV, a wholly owned subsidiary of Cisco Systems, Inc.
cisco expo saudi 2009 press release
Welcome to Cisco Expo Saudi 2009
Are you ready for Cisco Expo Saudi 2009 ?
cisco expo saudi 2009
The Cisco Human Network Effect - I Will Survive - Telepresence
Are you a fan of Gloria Gaynor’s song “I will survive " . Looks like these folks are, sing along with Cisco Telepresence . You've got to see this:
cisco telepresence survive network
Cisco Expo 2009 Survey
The Cisco Expo 2009 Survey is now officially open. Take the survey and make your opinion heard! http://www.rb6.me/807/
Cisco Expo 2009 Survey
إستبيان سيسكو أكسبو 2009
أدل برأيك في إستبيان سيسكو أكسبو 2009 المعني بالمباني المستقبلية الذكية http://www.rb6.me/807/...
إستبيان سيسكو أكسبو 2009
الاشتراك في:
الرسائل (Atom)